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Showing 1951 to 1965 of 3168 results

Social media for healthcare professionals

Learning resources on the risks and opportunities of social media for healthcare professionals, created by the 2024 HCPC Student Competition winners. 

Meet a Partner - Dr Emmanuel Babafemi

Dr Babafemi is an HCPC registered Biomedical Scientist and Lead Visitor here at the HCPC.

New and updated Partner policies

We regularly review our policies to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

Partner Compliance training

We have developed an eLearning module which combines a refresher on EDI and includes aspects of unconscious bias and sexual harassment. In addition, all partners have to receive training on information security as they deal with information on behalf of the HCPC.

Disability History Month: Disability networks and support for HCPC-registered professionals

Adrian Barrowdale, Strategic Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, writes about the recently-published list of disability networks and initiatives for the professions that the HCPC regulates.

Reflecting on my experience as a HCPC Council member

As Sue Gallone comes to the end of my eight-year term as a HCPC Council member, she reflects on her experiences and the changes that have taken place at HCPC.

Fitness to Practise concerns relating to sexual misconduct 2023-24

This report provides an assessment of concerns raised with us about the health and care professionals we regulate, which related to sexual misconduct and criminal matters or conduct of a sexual nature.

What the HCPC is doing to improve sexual safety in health and care

We are calling on employers, managers, education providers, professional bodies and unions to prevent these behaviours from happening, and to encourage greater reporting when they do. As a regulator of 15 different professions, the HCPC has a role to play too.

Subject access requests

You can request a copy of your application or registration details at any time by placing a subject access request.

HCPC fitness to practise annual report 2023-24

This annual report provides an account of our work investigating fitness to practise (FTP) concerns raised with us across the 15 professions we regulate.

Retention rates of first time HCPC international registrants 2013 to 2018

This report examines the retention rate for HCPC registrants who joined our Register via the international registration route.

#myHCPCstandards: Getting it right when things go wrong

In this webinar, we'll look at the revisions to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics around the duty of candour. This is one of two sessions covering the same topic.

#myHCPCstandards: Introducing the revised standards and exploring your scope of practice

In this webinar we will introduce the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics, and explore adjusting your scope of practice in this context. This is one of two sessions on the same topic. 

#myHCPCstandards: Introducing the revised standards and exploring your scope of practice

In this webinar we will introduce the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics, and explore adjusting your scope of practice in this context. This is one of two sessions on the same topic. 
